# Getting Started With The Bespoken CLI

# What is the Bespoken CLI

The Bespoken CLI are a set of tools created by us to let you develop faster and better. Do not slow-down for:

  • Time-consuming server deployments
  • Over-complicated and highly manual testing routines

# Installation

To install the Bespoken command line tool (bst) do:

$ npm install @bespoken-sdk/cli -g

Note: If you are on MacOS and the command fails, it is probably because you need to run it with sudo, like this:

$ sudo npm install @bespoken-sdk/cli -g

Verify the installation by typing:

$ bst

Haven't used npm before? We have you covered: How To Install NPM (opens new window)

You will then be able to use our commands, as described below.

You can also use:

  • --version, -v - Indicates the current BST and Node versions
  • --help, -h - Shows usage information

# Updating

To update bst:

$ pnpm update @bespoken-sdk/cli -g

# Guide to Bespoken CLI Commands

# Command - Init

# Overview

The init command helps you creating all the files and folders you need to start unit or end to end testing your Conversational AI applications.

# Usage

To run the init command, simply open a terminal and, in the root folder of your project, type:

$ bst init

The command will ask you for the following data:

  • Test type: unit or e2e
  • Name of the Conversational AI Experience you are testing
  • Type of Conversational AI Experience: Alexa, Google or IVR
  • Test locales: en-US is the default. You can add more via a comma-separated list - for example: en-US, de-DE, es-ES
  • For unit testing only:
    • Path of your handler file: default is index.js
    • Path of your dialogflow directory (only for Google actions)
  • For end to end testing only:
    • Virtual device token
  • For IVR systems only:
    • Phone number to call to

Here's a preview: bst init command

After that, the command will create a "test" directory with all the needed files and folders. bst test files

You can execute your tests by typing bst test on the same command line.

# Command - Test

# Overview

The test command runs local YAML tests files.

# Usage

To run the test command, simply open a terminal and, in the root folder of your project, type:

$ bst test <TEST_PATTERN>

The TEST_PATTERN uses the MicroMatch package (opens new window) under the covers, which supports glob syntax, such as:

  • test/*.js # Runs all files in subfolders named test with files matching *.js
  • test # Runs all files in subfolders named test
  • **/*.test.js # Runs all files in any sub-folder that match *.test.js

Test results are automatically output to the console, as well as written as an HTML report in the folder ./test_output/index.inline.html.

Test parameters and configuration are taken by default from the file ./testing.json in the current working directory. For more information on the various test parameters, read here (opens new window).

# Command - Test Suite

# Overview

The test-suite command provides sub-commands to manage and run test suites defined in the Bespoken Dashboard.

The sub-commands are:

  • bst test-suite create - creates or updates the named test suite in the Bespoken Dashbaord
  • bst test-suite run - runs the named test suite in the Bespoken Dashboard

Each command is described in detail below.

# Test Suite Create


To execute the test-suite create create command, simply open a terminal and, in the root folder of your project, type:


If the named test suite already exists, it will be overwritten by running this.

The CONFIGURATION_FILE should be the path from the current directory a valid testing.json configuration file.

The TEST_SUITE_YAML_PATH should be valid testing YAML script.

For more information on the structure of the configuration file and test scripts, read here (opens new window).

# Test Suite Run


To execute the test-suite run command, simply open a terminal and, in the root folder of your project, type:

$ bst test-suite run <TEST_SUITE_NAME> [KEY1=VALUE1] [KEY2=VALUE2] [KEY3=VALUE3]

This will run the named test suite within the Dashboard, passing the optional variables for test execution.

When the test is completed, a link to the results in the Dashboard will be provided in the console. The test run will be stored with the Dashboard, and will always be available to review there.

Last Updated: 4/8/2024, 10:40:21 PM