# Test Page

Now that you have created a test suite and your virtual devices, you are ready to work on the test page.


In this article, we'll learn about aspects of this page that are common to all the platforms Bespoken supports. Platform-specific guides can be found here.

The test page is divided into three main areas:

  1. The upper part of the page contains the configuration for your current test suite.
  2. The left side shows all your test cases.
  3. The main area is where you'll write your current test case script.

Test Page sections

# Configuration

For any platform you are working with, this configuration section will contain the minimum required parameters to start a test. These could include a locale, a voice, a URL, a phone number, etc. Common to all platforms, you'll need to specify the Virtual Device you want to use for testing.

# Test Case Management

Test Options

In this section of the page, you'll find all the test cases available for your current test suite. You can:

  • Add a new test
  • Rename a test
  • Delete a test
  • Clone a test
  • Flag a test as "only" (more on this here)
  • Flag a test as "skip" (more on this here)
  • Reorder existing tests by dragging and dropping them in the desired order

# Test Script

The main area for your test scripts is composed of three columns: Input, Expected, and Actual. You'll use this section to add steps or interactions to your currently selected test case, configure them, and finally run your current test case.

# Test Script Structure

# Input Column

The Input column contains what we will say to the platform we are testing. This could represent text that we will send to a messaging system, text that will be converted to audio (using a specified locale and voice), a URL containing pre-recorded audio to send, or even jQuery instructions to execute against a webpage.

# Expected Column

In this column, we'll define the expected value for the current test interaction that, if received as part of the response, would make the assertion pass. The structure for each assertion is:

[property] [operator] [value]

A default assertion would look like this:

prompt : [value]

Where prompt is the property that returns the main response content from the platform being tested: a transcription, a text message, a chatbot reply, etc., and : represents a partial equality operator or, in other words, a substring search. E.g., prompt : "expected value" would be valid if the response we get is "expected value" or "this is the expected value I got."

Other available operators are:

  • != Not equal to
  • > Greater than
  • >= Greater than or equal
  • < Less than
  • <= Less than or equal

# Actual Column

As you might expect, the Actual column contains the response that comes back from the platform being tested. This column will be populated sequentially as the responses come back.

# Interactions

You can add more interactions to your test case by clicking the "Add interaction" link below the last interaction on your test, or by clicking the "plus" sign to the left of each interaction.

Test Options

Note that the plus sign will "insert" a new interaction below the current one, while the "Add interaction" link will always add an interaction at the end. Similarly, if you want to remove an interaction, you can click on the "x" icon to its left.

# Running Your Tests

Once you have configured and created all the steps for your test case, simply click on the "Run" button, and Bespoken will start running your tests. Responses will start populating the "Actual" column one by one as the test progresses. Be aware, if you leave the page at this moment, you won't be able to see your test results.

Single test run


Running a whole test suite can take a while. Tests are run sequentially, and you won't be able to see the results until all tests have completed running. You should also not leave the page while the test suite is running.

If you want to run all test cases within your test suite, head to the left side and click on the "Run all" link where all your test cases are.

  • If you only want to run a subset of tests, you can specify which ones to run by adding the "only" flag to them, by opening the three-dot menu on each test.
  • Similarly, you can decide which tests to ignore altogether by selecting the "Skip" flag.

Setting the "Only" flag

# Interpreting the Results

As each response comes back, Bespoken will evaluate the assessments for the current interaction and will highlight in green the interactions that were successful and in red the interactions that failed. Moreover, Bespoken will highlight and format in bold the parts of the response that made the assertion pass. From our previous example where we looked for expected value, the response would look like: "this is the expected value I got."

Test page results

# Other Options

# YAML Editor

All our tests are saved in YAML. You can directly edit your test suite in text format by clicking on the YAML editor toggle at the top right corner of the page. A typical test suite might look like this:

- test: Test 1
- open my skill: welcome to my skill

- test: Test 2
- open my skill: welcome to my skill
- what is on my list: you have the following items on your list


  • --- is the start of a new test case
  • - test: Test 1 represents the name of your first test
  • open my skill: welcome to my skill represents a first interaction in the form of [input] [operator] [expected value]

You can safely toggle between the regular editor and the YAML editor, and changes will be reflected on both sides.

# Monitoring

Advanced settings

You can enable Monitoring for your test suite by clicking on the monitoring toggle. You can read more about how monitoring can help you ensure that your system remains stable by clicking here.

# Downloading a Test Package

Your test suite is also exportable as a zip test package by clicking on the Download link. This package will contain your test suite YAML file as well as its configuration in a JSON file. Tests can then be executed locally or from a CI/CD package by using our CLI. More info about the Bespoken CLI can be found here.

# Advanced Settings

Advanced settings

The "Advanced settings" tab, which you can access by clicking on the gear icon, contains parameters that can further modify the behavior or evaluation of a test run. Common parameters are:

Property Description Default Value
Assertion fuzzy threshold A decimal number from 0 to 1 that represents the threshold applied when using fuzzy matching to verify a prompt assertion. Setting this property to 1 means the values have to match exactly. 0.8
Max. response wait time Interval in milliseconds to wait for a response. 120000
Stop tests on first failure Stop the current test as soon as the first error is detected, saving time between runs false
Lenient Mode Removes common punctuation signs and extra white spaces from the transcript. false

Additionally, each platform has its own set of unique properties that will be explained in the platform-specific guides section of these docs.

Last Updated: 8/2/2024, 10:52:18 PM